Shimmer & Shine
Shimmer & Shine is an animated comedy preschool series featuring the magical adventures of genie-in-training twin sisters Shimmer and Shine and their human best friend, Leah.
Whenever Leah has a dilemma, she calls upon her secret genies, Shimmer and Shine. The twins, along with their special pets Nahal (a Bengal tiger cub) and Tala (a playful Gibbon monkey), fly by magic carpet out of their genie world and into Leah’s human one, happy to help her by granting her three wishes!
But Shimmer and Shine’s naiveté about the human world causes them to accidentally grant wishes Leah didn’t mean to make! Ultimately, each wrong wish compounds into a crazy adventure. Together, the trio shows young children that every mistake is an opportunity to learn to do things better the next time.